Loveworks Foodbank
Your donations needed
Please bring to church for those in need.
Tinned Custard, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned Potatoes, Sugar, Rice, Coffee, Jam, UHT Milk, Squash, Biscuits etc.
UCB2 Christian Radio plays most of our Sunday Service songs. Tune in to help your day along.
Click below to listen live
Revelation Channel
Highly recommended. Latest News headlines from a Christian perspective. Topics, Bible Study and fun programs.
Download and watch on App.
or TV Freeview 264, Sky 581
Mobile Apps.
Personal Prayer App
Inner Room 24/7 app that really helps you easily pray for the things that matter to you by adding people and situations to your visual prayer board.
Use the “pray now” button to be reminded of things on your prayer board as you pray
Only got a short amount of time? Use “Quick Pray” to pray for 3 random things in 3 minutes.
Inner Room 24/7 prayer app details/download
Daily Devotional App
LECTIO 365 app is a daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day.
Lectio 365 app detail/download
Bible App
The Bible App can be read or listened too, (book or audio) in every version of the Bible.
The Bible App details/download
The Bible App for Kids
The Bible App for Kids, designed specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level.
By introducing children to 41 of the “big” Bible stories, the Bible App for Kids helps them understand the overall story that the Bible is telling.
Kid-friendly navigation helps them find and select whichever story they want, then reads it aloud to them in a friendly narrative style.
Zoom App.
Download Zoom Cloud Meeting App
For online Church Services
We support Compassion, a fabulous child sponsorship organisation.
We recently sent 14, much needed, beds to an orphanage in Uganda.
Click below page links
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