Have You Got Musical Interests?

Are you interested in Christian Music, then we would like to hear your ambitions?

Interested in Singing?

Whether you are just interested in exploring, new to singing or an experienced soprano, alto, tenor, baritone or bass, please do contact us using the form below.

Are You a Musician?

That’s great! We would love to chat with you, as we’re currently looking for musicians of all levels, keyboard, drums, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, drums and percussion. You’re also welcome to attend our Sunday Service.

Digital Sound Mixing and PA Sound Equipment?

We are so glad you are here! Come along to our Sunday Service or any of our community groups. You can also fill out a contact form and we can get in touch with you if you’d like to.

Orchestral Instruments Interest?

Please let us know if your interest is in in orchestral instruments, strings, woodwind, brass or percussion.

Composing, From Paper Notation to DAW?

We’re interested to here about your composition aspirations. From manuscript paper to Sibelius and MuseScore or Logic, Ableton Live, Garage Band, Main Stage. Do let us know or come along to our Sunday Service.

Get in Touch

Do you want to learn more about becoming part of our worship team, or have any questions to ask? Please contact us by filling in the form below, and head to our Sunday Service for more information.